Ink & Paper

Monday, January 02, 2006

Thoughts and Focus

I have become recently quite enamoured with the idea of moving to New York City. It ain't gonna happen, of course, but the idea of it has been a recurring theme in my head these last few days. I suspect that it is largely due to my reading The Known Universe, a blog written by Jamie, a New Yorker. I've never had any contact with him but his pictures and words paint NY as a truly diverse city full of all sorts of characters and images. I know it is only a snapshot, but nonetheless it makes the romanticized idea of moving to NY dance in my head.

Or Montreal. That was one cool city. Probably still is.

The Glorious Mr. T has been filling my head with nerdy blog thoughts as well and this will most likely result in Ink & Paper moving to a different web address in the next month or two, depending on a few factors. I have a few ideas that I would like to implement and hope that this impending move will generate a little more trafffic to the blog. I will keep you posted so that you can update your bookmarks and/or homepages.

My post (below) about the wrongs of pet stores can also be read, along with comments, on Jennifer Good's blog.

I'm also thinking that I should try my hand at some kind of wood craft type of hobby. Maybe my hobby taking place in the garage would make it more manly. Hey Cadrin, stop laughing and get back to raping the Inuit land. Bastard.

Not too much else to say tonight. My goal for this year, along with all the other goals I listed previously, is to cram a lot of activity into each day.


A sovereign thought, delivered to your door at 8:24 PM ~~ 2 bonsai trees

shout out out out out out


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